Saturday 6 September 2008

Here are the results of the polls (undersökningar) we have had the last two weeks:
Poll No.1
Who do you enjoy fishing with the most? (Vem tycker du är roligast att fiske med?)

Brother or sister...... 4 (3%)
Child or children..... 6 (5%)
Father or mother..... 7 (6%)
Wife or husband...... 7 (6%)
Alone (ensam) .......33 (31%)
................... 47 (45%)

Poll No.2
What is the best tasting freshwater fish? (Vilken sötvattenfisk är godast?)
Pike (gädda) .........1 (0%)
Burbot (lake) ........1 (0%)

Vendace (siklöja) .2 (1%)
Whitefish (sik) .....3 (2%)
Smelt (nors) .........3 (2%)
Trout (öring) ........7 (6%)
Other (annat) .......9 (7%)
Salmon (lax) .......11 (9%)
Perch (abborre) ..20 (17%)
Pike-perch (gös) .56 (49%)

We have two new polls (undersökningar) coming today.

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